Which Tools, What Content?

This is a brief overview of how our tools utilize different types of content, and hence, how translators can or cannot make use of certain resources. What is described below is how our tools operate at the time of writing, February 2020.

Resources and Use Cases

The following sections provide a description of possible gateway language content status and the potential use cases given that status.

A Translation


If a language has one or more open-licensed Bible translations then they can be used as a reference text in:

  • translationStudio
  • translationCore
  • translationCore Create
  • translationCore Study

Use Case

This is useful if translation team is able to read from another Gateway Language but finds it helpful to use the reference text to aid comprehension or provide other translation options. The translation and study resources must be accessed in another language.

A Translation and Notes


If a language has one or more open-licensed Bible translations and translation (or study) notes then they can be used as a reference text with notes associated by verse (not word or phrase) in:

  • translationStudio
  • translationCore Study

For example, in translationStudio that looks like:

The translation may only be used as a reference text in:

  • translationCore
  • translationCore Create

Use Case

This is useful if translation team is starting a new translation and understands the Gateway Language well enough to make the connections between the notes and the text without the aid of highlighting. The other translation and study resources must be accessed in another language.

A Translation and Notes, Words, Questions


If a language has one or more open-licensed Bible translations and translation (or study) notes, translation words, and translation questions then they can be used as a reference text with resources associated by verse (not word or phrase) in:

  • translationStudio
  • translationCore Study

Demonstrating words and questions in translationStudio:

And in translationCore Study:

Note: links to other resources, like academy, will not work in this scenario.

The translation may only be used as a reference text in:

  • translationCore
  • translationCore Create

Use Case

This is useful if translation team is starting a new translation and understands the Gateway Language well enough to make the connections between the resources and the text without the aid of highlighting. For instance, the keywords have to be identified by recognizing the root word in the Gateway Language as it is associated with the specific form in the text. No linguistic or translation concept information in available from Translation Academy in this case.

A Translation and Notes, Words, Questions, Academy


If a language has one or more open-licensed Bible translations and translation (or study) notes, translation words, translation questions, and translation academy then they can be used as a reference text with resources associated by verse (not word or phrase) in:

  • translationStudio
  • translationCore Study

All links between resources will work in these applications, including references to Translation Academy.

The translation may only be used as a reference text in:

  • translationCore
  • translationCore Create

Use Case

This is useful if translation team is starting a new translation and understands the Gateway Language well enough to make the connections between the resources and the text without the aid of highlighting. For instance, the keywords have to be identified by recognizing the root word in the Gateway Language as it is associated with the specific form in the text. Translation Academy can be accessed to help translators understand linguistic and translation concepts in an up front and/or just in time learning approach.

An Aligned Translation


If a language has one or more open-licensed aligned Bible translations then they can be used as a reference text with highlighting in:

  • translationStudio (does not support highlighting)
  • translationCore
  • translationCore Create
  • translationCore Study

Use Case

This is useful if translation team is able to read from another Gateway Language but finds it helpful to use the reference text to aid comprehension or provide other translation options. The translation and study resources must be accessed in another language. Some tools will allow the translator to use parallel highlighting in the Scripture Pane to see how specific words and phrases are aligned between languages, for example:

Screen Shot 2020-01-28 at 8.49.37 AM

An Aligned Translation and Words


If a language has one or more open-licensed aligned Bible translations and translation words then they can be used as a reference text with highlighting and keyword checking in:

  • translationStudio (does not support highlighting)
  • translationCore Study
  • translationCore
  • translationCore Create

Use Case

This is useful for a translation team starting a new translation or beginning to check a translation. For example, they could use the tW tool in translationCore, like this:

The other translation (notes, questions, academy) and study resources must be accessed in another language.

An Aligned Translation and Notes and Academy


If a language has one or more open-licensed aligned Bible translations, translation notes, and translation academy then they can be used as a reference text with highlighting and notes checking in:

  • translationStudio (does not support highlighting)
  • translationCore Study
  • translationCore
  • translationCore Create

Use Case

This is useful for a translation team starting a new translation or beginning to check a translation. For example, they could use the tN tool in translationCore, like this:

The linguistic and translation topics covered by translation academy would be available to help the team. The other translation (words, questions) and study resources must be accessed in another language.

An Aligned Translation and Words, Questions, Notes and Academy


If a language has one or more open-licensed aligned Bible translations, translation words, translation questions, translation notes, and translation academy then they can be used as a reference text with highlighting and words, notes, and comprehension checking in:

  • translationStudio (does not support highlighting)
  • translationCore Study
  • translationCore
  • translationCore Create

Use Case

This is the most useful situation for translation teams starting to draft or check a translation. This provides highlighting of the text in the aligned translations and enables easier keyword and notes checking. The questions also give the team a script for doing comprehension checking with other members or the the team or church.