1.1.4 Release Notes
Release 1.1.4 Overview
This release includes patches for a formatting bug, performance issues, and several other bug fixes.
Major New Features
No major new features were included in this release.
Other New Features and Bug Fixes
- translationWords displayed correctly - A bug was fixed so that translationWords that span multiple Original Words are now displayed correctly in both the Original and Gateway Languages.
- Language lookup by Anglicized name - A bug was fixed so that now languages can be looked up by Anglicized name, in addition to localized name (as available) and language code.
- Bug fix for edit icon display - A bug was fixed so that now the edit icon (pencil) in the side menu remains in-sync with the data.
- Latest resources added to build - The latest tC resource again are bundled with the build.
- “Alignment complete” no longer incorrectly set by tC - tC now persists how the user sets the “Alignment complete” toggle.
- Performance improvements for opening highly edited projects - Significant (~90%) reduction in loading time for projects with many edits.
- tC prevents backwards incompatible projects from importing - A bug was fixed that allowed projects from a newer version of tC that contained a breaking change to be imported into an older version of tC causing it to crash.
- Updated Greek Lexicon - The latest unfoldingWord Greek Lexicon was updated.
- Only one check highlighted at a time - A bug was fixed that allowed two checks to be selected in the side menu at the same time.
Known Bugs
- UST & UHB are not up to date - These resources were updated during the QA soak, so they are not up to the latest. To update to the latest, go to “Source Content Updater” and update the English and Hebrew.
- Projects reimported into 1.1.2 - If a project is imported into 1.1.2, then exported, then reimported into 1.1.2, many *s are added to the text. This bug was fixed in 1.1.3 if data corruption has not already taken place. Note: This means if a project is imported once into 1.1.2, then opened in 1.1.3, no data corruption problems occur. If the same project has been imported twice into 1.1.2, data corruption has occurred. In this case please contact us at help@door43.org. To avoid this from happening, please upgrade all users to 1.1.4 immediately!
- Slow performance checking for invalidations - After editing a verse, an automated automated verification is performed to see if this edit has invalidated any previous work. In certain circumstances, this process is unacceptably slow. (Track here)
How to Install
The installation files are available on the translationCore v1.1.4 release page.
Windows Only
- The installation may include installing an update to the .Net framework. After the installation completes, a .Net install dialog may remain on the screen. If that happens just click Cancel.
- The installation of Git is part of the installation process. If Git 2.9.2 or greater is not already on the computer, ensure the the checkbox for installing Git is checked on the installation dialog. At the end of the installation if automatically starting tC, you may receive a message indicating that Git needs to be installed. If that message appears, just click the “Close translationCore” button, then restart tC (the app, not the installation).
- After installation, starting the application can take a long time (7+ minutes on some machines). Please be patient. Subsequent launches of tC will be faster, but may still take a few minutes.
Mac Only
- Install latest Git if Git 2.9.2 if it is not already on the computer.
- Go to Git - Downloading Package and the executable should automatically download.
- If your download hasn’t started, click the link that says “Click here to download manually.”
- Open the downloaded file
- If your Mac’s permissions did not allow the installation to start then follow the following instructions:
- Go to System preferences
- Open Security & privacy
- Click on the “Open anyway” button at the bottom
- Then click open
- The installation should automatically start.
- Click continue
- Then Install
- It might take a few minutes to open tC the first time. Please be patient.
- If you have updated to High Sierra and get a message about Git being required, you will need to open your terminal and run:
xcode-select --install
- If you have updated to Mojave and get a message about Git being required, you will need to open your terminal and run:
xcode-select --install
sudo xcode-select -s /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
- If this does not work, you can launch the app from the command line. Open the terminal and run: