tC Create 1.2.1
What’s New?
We are pleased to announce that tC Create 1.2.1 is now available online at
Bug Fix:
- The application no longer opens TSV files containing duplicate IDs. Note: Files with duplicated IDs must be edited manually before tC Create can open them. Please see this instructions document for further information on addressing this problem. #818
- The tC Create 1.2.1 improves the rendering of ordered and unordered lists in markdown. #613
tC Create 1.2
What’s New?
We are pleased to announce that tC Create 1.2 is now available online at
Features and Enhancements:
The Translation Word Links (TWL) resource is now available for translation. This allows GL teams to edit which Translation Word (TW) articles will be associated with the current verse. This change allows users to edit/ add/remove records in TWL resources. #760
TWL files are also validated when they are opened to ensure that the file is structured properly for use in tC Create. #787
A number of updates were made to the Content Validator #786
tC Create will now issue an error message if the user supplies an invalid URL when attempting to add a new scripture version #548
Bug Fix:
The app no longer crashes when the user adds data to deleted rows #639
The On-open Validator no longer hangs for Russian GL files #737
tC Create 1.1.1
What’s New?
We are pleased to announce that tC Create 1.1.1 is now officially released and is available online at
Features and Enhancements:
The toolbar with the save button will now always remain visible in TSV projects, and it will be made visible in markdown projects by scrolling up slightly. Users no longer need to scroll to the top of the page in order to click save. #236, #717
Some of the validation messages have been clarified and updated. #604, #638
Bug Fix:
Clicking on a book reference link will no longer open an error page. #679
Other minor bugs #469, #498
tC Create 1.1.0
What’s New?
We are pleased to announce that tC Create 1.1.0 is now officially released and is available online at
Feature Enhancements
Content validation on demand #499
Content validation on open #500
Users can set validation levels based on priority. #618
Translation of TQ files in markdown file format now supported in tC Create #665
Translation of OBS - TQ files now supported in tC Create #666
Bug Fixes:
Blue bar and repo chips in tN scrolled out of view. This is fixed. #455
Copy paste from scripture pane retained existing HTML styles. Copying formatted or highlighted text from scripture pane won’t retain highlighting or other HTML styles on paste. Pasting text copied from source in preview mode to target in preview mode will preserve formatting. #444
What’s New in 1.0.0:
We are pleased to announce that tC Create 1.0.0 is now officially released and is available online at
Features(Change Log):
- Edits markdown and tsv files that are structured to match unfoldingWord’s resources
- Markdown files can be edited in smaller text blocks or large chunks.
- Users can add new rows to the editable tsv files.
- User-friendly tool startup workflow
- Scripture viewer handles original languages with highlighting of the associated text.
- Parallel scripture pane supports viewing ULT, UST, and Original language simultaneously.
- Translation work is done in an individual user branch to protect the master file.
- Tools tips added to icons wherever applicable for user guidance.
- Direct link to Branch file.
- Supports Verse Ranges
Known Bugs:
#162: If row filter is applied and Preview is on, then app directs to 1st page (Introduction) of the selected book.
#165: Compare branch button is not working. Workaround: Click the target file name, the door43 file will open in a separate, click the History button, and choose the change history you wish to check.
#241: Misalignment in target resource content when a new block is inserted.