This document is meant to outline the means by which we can consider a Gateway Language to be “open” or “unlocked” (fully ready to support Other Language translation, etc).
- All GL resources must be released under one of the following licenses: CC0/Public Domain, CC BY, CC BY-SA. This grants the the irrevocable freedom to access, revise, translate, repurpose, redistribute, publish, and use the resources without hindrance, remuneration, or the need for custom licenses.
- All GL resources must be publicly accessible.
- All GL resources should be stored in a format and in a place that supports conversion into other formats to facilitate maximum distribution.
- Lingual church leaders of the GL should confirm when the resources are ready for use.
- The church network(s) at the GL should be prepared to care for and maintain the resources.
Minimum Set of Resources to Open a GL
Bible Translations
Two translations are needed, one form-centric (like the ULT) and one meaning-based (like the UST). The literal is required for alignment to the original languages, and the dynamic is required for comprehension assistance in the OL translation process.
At least one of the translations should be available as an audio recording as well.
Note: the full Bible is needed, but two stages of unlocking could exist (e.g., “NT Unlocked” then “Bible Unlocked”)
Exegetical Resources
Notes that provide cultural, linguistic, historical, and geographical information necessary to translate the biblical text (like tN).
Lexical Resources
A basic Bible lexicon that provides translators with clear, concise definitions and translation suggestions for every important word in the Bible (like tW).
Translation Comprehension Questions
Basic testing questions that help identify that essential meaning is accurately communicated (like tQ).
Translation Training Resources
Provides essential information on principles for excellence in Bible translation, as well as acceptable means of translating various linguistic constructs in the Bible texts (like tA).
Story-based Bible Overview
Provides the essential Gospel message and foundational discipleship teaching in the context of the key stories of the Old and New Testament, (like OBS). Also provides an ideal resource for new translators to gain experience in translation.
The exegetical resources associated with the story (e.g. OBS-tN, OBS-tQ) are helpful for translation and should be translated as well.
There must also be an audio recording of uW Open Bible Stories for broadest usefulness to OL lingual churches.
Technology Tools
The resources above should be available for use in tS, tC, and any other application that wants to use them, and the application’s user interface should be localized for the GL. This is satisfied by having the resources published in the Door43-Catalog, request a publication here.
The Bible translations should include alignment data to the original Greek and Hebrew. This may be accomplished by using the Word Alignment tool in tC or via other means.
Each GL Bible should also be checked using available tools within tC.
Minimum Network Structures to Open a GL
Maintenance of GL Resources
The GL church network should have some type of committee or permanent working group established to manage changes to GL resources. The members of this group should be fully trained in the associated technologies to enable self-sufficiency in this responsibility.
Support of OL Networks
The GL network(s) should be connected to the global CCBT and CBTE communities. In addition, they should be adequately trained in associated philosophies, methods, processes, and tools for Bible translation to support OL networks as they begin translation.
Leverage comes from not only resources available but capabilities in the church at the Gateway. We should not consider the GL open until said church is positioned to train and equip OL networks.