List of Ketiv/Qere Occurrences in the WLC

Here is a full list of Ketive/Qere differences in the WLC as represented by the OSHB text. Specifically, to get the following data I ran this command on the wlc.txt file:

grep -A 1 [0-9]k wlc.txt  >wlc_k-q.txt

The output is a file as listed below with 3,671 lines, with 3 lines for each occurrence:

  • the first line shows the Ketiv
  • the second line shows the Qere
  • the third line is a separator

This makes for 1,224 occurrences of Ketiv/Qere in the WLC text (not including the “Qere perpetuum”).

The file is formatted with the following tab separated columns:

  • Reference + Ketiv (k) or Qere (q) designation
  • Strong’s number
  • the form itself

Here is an excerpt:

   1 Gen 8:17.14k    3318    הוצא
   2 Gen 8:17.14q    3318    הַיְצֵ֣א
   3 --
   4 Gen 13:3.12k    168     אהל/ה
   5 Gen 13:3.12q    168     אָֽהֳל/וֹ֙
   6 --
   7 Gen 14:2.16k    6636    צביים
   8 Gen 14:2.16q    6636    צְבוֹיִ֔ים
   9 --
  10 Gen 14:8.9k     6636    צביים
  11 Gen 14:8.9q     6636    צְבוֹיִ֔ם
  12 --
  13 Gen 24:33.1k    3455    ו/יישם
  14 Gen 24:33.1q    3455    וַ/יּוּשַׂם

Here is the full file: wlc_k-q.txt (86.1 KB)