Styleguidist will sometimes trigger a re-render, forcing code to execute multiple times, when it doesn’t need to.
For example, this demo was re-fetching data from a server each time you edited the parameters:
import useLanguages from '../core/useLanguages.js';
const { state, actions } = useLanguages();
<p>Total Number of Languages is: {state.length}</p>
<LanguageDisplay lc='zzj' />
In this case, the hook was re-running even tho the state variables had not changed. As if the component was being unmounted and remounted.
To fix, @klappy suggested this:
import useLanguages from '../core/useLanguages.js';
function Component() {
const { state, actions } = useLanguages();
return (
<p>Total Number of Languages is: {state.length}</p>
<LanguageDisplay lc='zzj' />
<Component />
This fix also has the benefit of actually showing how to write a component that uses the hook.
#styleguidist, #hooks, #javascript, #react