This post is intended to provide a Content Release Structure checklist. The goal is that each release is clearly identified in a consistent manner. The versioning scheme used across the unfoldingWord and Door43 ecosystem is defined at Versioning — unfoldingWord.
Components of Release
At a high level, content that is released should have the following components:
A release announcement
A version number clearly identified and follows our versioning. Essentially, version number should be an integer.
Links to the content in the following downloadable formats:
- Resource Container. Normally this is a zip of the repository itself.
- PDF, DOCX, EPUB as required
Links to a changelog or some sort of revision history
Public facing webpage(s) should link to the Releases page of the source content
Example Release
The above components should be satisfied by at least a Door43 Content Service (DCS) release, which requires using a git tag to identify a commit as a specific version. Version 7 of translationQuestions is an example that does the following:
- Release Announcement based on a DCS git tag
- DCS Git tag is
- Subject denotes “Version 7”
- PDFs are linked to on the unfoldingWord site
- HTML is to the auto publishing Door43 site
- Resource Container source files are included
- There is a link to a changelog that compares
When we implement Integrate with DCS Tags/Releases into the Door43 website, many of the public facing items may be automatically taken care of in a more user friendly manner when a release is created in DCS.
Creating a Release in DCS
Navigate to your project page on DCS, for example jag3773/aa_1pe_text_reg: ts-desktop: aa_1pe_text_reg - aa_1pe_text_reg - Door43 Content Service. Follow this procedure to create a release:
- Click on “Releases” in the header bar.
- Click on the green “New Release” button in the upper right.
- Enter “v” followed by one number that is higher than the number in the last release into the “Tag name” field. For example, “v3”. Leave the “@ master” part like it is.
- Type "Version " followed by the release number above into the “Title” field. For example, “Version 3”.
- Put the release notes into the “Content” field. See the example above for guidance on what to put in this field.
- Upload any files that relate to this release, like a PDF or DOCX file, by clicking on the field labeled “Drop files or click to upload.”
- Click on the green “Publish Release” button.